Want to support the Arizona Flute Society at no cost to you when you make purchases at any Fry's Food Store?
Through the Fry's Community Rewards Program, AFS can earn cash back every time you use your V.I.P. card at any Fry's Food Store location.
It's easy to do!
To sign up:
1. Go to www.FrysCommunityRewards.com and click on ‘Sign-In’. 3. Click "Create an Account" and enter your information. 4. Once your account is set up and you are signed in, click on your name (top right hand corner). Under ‘Account Summary,’ scroll down to “Community Rewards” and click "Edit." 5. Under Find Your Organization: Search for "Arizona Flute Society." Click on the circle next to "Arizona Flute Society" and then click "Enroll."
Thank you for your support!