Competitive Performers
The competitive portion of the festival is open to all Arizona Flute Society Members as outlined below. Please see the Repertoire List button above for each Competitive Division's required repertoire.
Debut Division: Grades 6 and under
Junior Division: Grades 7, 8, 9
Senior Division: Grades 10, 11, 12
Undergraduate Division: Undergraduate Students
Graduate/Professional Division: Graduate Students and Professional Flutists
Adult Division: Adult Amateurs
The winners of the Debut Division will be awarded the following:
1st Place: $75 + 100% scholarship to the AFS Summer Flute Workshop
2nd Place: $50 + 50% scholarship to the AFS Summer Flute Workshop
3rd Place: $25 + 25% scholarship to the AFS Summer Flute Workshop
The winners of the Junior, Senior, Undergraduate, and Graduate/Professional Divisions will be awarded the following:
1st Place: $100 + 100% scholarship to the AFS Summer Flute Workshop
2nd Place: $50 + 50% scholarship to the AFS Summer Flute Workshop
3rd Place: $25 + 25% scholarship to the AFS Summer Flute Workshop
The winners of the Adult Division will be awarded the following:
1st Place: $75 & 100% scholarship to the AFS Summer Flute Workshop
2nd Place: $50 & 50% scholarship to the AFS Summer Flute Workshop
3rd Place: $25 & 25% scholarship to the AFS Summer Flute Workshop
Piano accompaniment is required for all pieces written for flute and piano.
Pieces can only be performed in the division they are assigned. If a contestant wishes to perform repertoire from a higher division, he or she must compete in that more advanced division. Please see the Repertoire List button above for the required repertoire.
1st Place winners in the 2022 Competition will be ineligible to compete in the division which they won, but are welcome to compete in a higher division or participate in the Non-Competitive Division.
Registration Deadline: March 3, 2023
Registration Fee: $15
Early Registration Deadline: December 31st, 2022
Early Registration Fee: $10
Festival Performers (Non-Competitive)
The non-competitive, festival portion of the festival is open to all Arizona Flute Society Members.
Participants may perform a piece of their choice for judges' comments and a rating.
Ensemble and extended flute family performances are welcome!
Piano accompaniment is optional for non-competitive performances.
Registration Deadline: March 3, 2023
Registration Fee: $15
Early Registration Deadline: December 31st, 2022
Early Registration Fee: $10
Please use the buttons at the top of the page to access the repertoire list, registration form, and informational flyers to share with anyone you know who may be interested in participating.
We have also included a list of accompanists who are available to perform in the festival.
If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Stolper at arizonaflutesociety@gmail.com
Payment Options​​
Pay online with a credit card during registration
Festival Exhibitors & Vendors
Want to reserve a booth at our Festival?
The $75 registration fee includes a booth for your organization, company, or store. We will provide tables and there are wall outlets available. Please complete the registration form here so we know what you'll need!​
Phoenix College Music Building