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Letter from the AFS President

Shelley Atchison

Hi Flute Friends! Hope your Holiday season and New Year is off to a great start. Several events are coming up fast. Our High School Etude Master Class was a great success with 40 flutists in attendance! Alla Breve Too! is being finalized and will be just around the corner so be sure to keep an eye out for emails to register for this fun event. Remember it is open to any AFS flutist. The AFS Flute Festival and Competition will have both competitive and non-competitive events as well as the 2nd Annual Young Artist’s Competition. The repertoire list is posted on the website and registration for this event is currently OPEN! Please visit the website for more details.

Flute Camp will be here soon - in just a few short months - June 14-17, 2017! Our guest artists will be our very own

Christina Steffen and the wonderful Marco Granados. Be sure to save the date - it’s gonna be a great camp!

This year the Arizona Flute Society will be taking part in Arizona Gives Day on April 4th. Please help support the AFS with your tax deductible contribution. Be sure to register your Fry’s card as well. It is an easy way to support the AFS every time you visit the grocery store.

If you, or someone you know, may be interested in becoming more involved with AFS, please get in touch with me. You don’t need to be a flute player to join – parents, college students, business owners – all are welcome to contribute to this outstanding organization. Board member elections will be coming up in April and there are many more ways to become involved.

If you have not renewed your 2016-17 membership please go to our website, complete the registration, and mail your payment to the PO Box listed in the form or pay online with Dwolla.

I look forward to seeing many of you at Alla Breve Too! and the Flute Festival!

Shelley Atchison


Arizona Flute Society

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